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Beginner Level: Casual Brunch Group - Lazy Mikes

Hosted By
Bonnie P. and Carol E.
Beginner Level: Casual Brunch Group - Lazy Mikes


Casual Brunch Group (CBG, get it?): A series of weekend rides with brunch as a feature. Some rides will be beginner rides (shorter), some will be medium (longer), all will be Casual pace. Bring a bike lock.

The Ride: Summary
(Must Read)

  • RIDE NAME: Casual Brunch Group - Lazy Mikes
  • START LOC: Shirlington Library
  • START PARKING: Any Parking Garage
  • ARRIVAL: 10:00am
  • SPEECH: 10:15am
  • ROLLING: 10:30am
  • LEVEL: Beginner Level
  • PACE: ~12+mph
  • DISTANCE: 16 miles
  • TERRAIN: trail, local streets
  • Route:
  • Ride with GPS:


  • Bring a spare tube.
  • Bring a bike lock.
  • Brunch in the middle of the ride: Lazy Mikes

The Ride: Detail
It's a classic ride from Shirlington west on the W&OD as we head to Lazy Mike’s Delicatessen 8 miles out on Leesburg Pike in Falls Church. Here we will enjoy a nice brunch. There are tables outside. The good news (after riding uphill all the way to Lazy Mike’s) is that the hardest part of the ride is over. It is mostly downhill all the way back to Shirlington.

The Meeting Spot:
Shirlington Library
4200 Campbell Ave
Arlington, VA 22206
We will meet in front of the Shirlington Library by the fountains.

Lazy Mikes
17409 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church VA 22046
(703) 532-LAZY

Ride Level Chart
NoVA CBG tries to accommodate all levels of cyclists by offering different types/levels of rides. We just ask that you come to the ride that suits your current riding ability the best.

  • Introductory Level: If you haven't ridden a bike in a number of years (or are uncertain of your abilities on a bicycle).
  • Beginner Level: You can ride for 10+ miles at a pace of 10+ to 12+ mph with potentially minor hills involved.
  • Medium Level: You can ride for 20+ miles at a pace of 13+ to 15+ mph with potentially moderate hills involved.
  • Advanced Level: You can ride for 20++ miles at a pace of 15+ mph with potentially major hills involved.

Both Medium and Advanced Levels might require handling various challenges such as reading cue sheets, using a Garmin or navigation app, night riding, out of town travel, or any other odd cycling situations.

The Fine Print:
An RSVP of 'YES' is your digital signature and means you have read and understood's:

  • "Terms of Service : Section 6. Release" found at
  • NOVA-CBG's "Assumption of Risk Agreement" found @
  • NoVA CBG's "COVID Policy" found @

Helmets are required to participate in all NOVA-CBG rides. All riders ride at their own risk and with the understanding that cycling is an inherently dangerous activity. When coming to the meetup you do so voluntarily and are ready and able to participate in the ride as described under the conditions of the day. Be on time for the "pre-ride" preparation. If you do not attend the pre-ride preparation you will not be allowed to participate on the ride. There are NO exceptions to the above.


Photo of Northern Virginia Casual Bicycling Group (NoVA CBG) group
Northern Virginia Casual Bicycling Group (NoVA CBG)
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15 spots left