Dinner at Johnny's Kitchen & Tap in Glenview
We will be dining at Johnny's Kitchen & Tap, 1740 Milwaukee Ave., Glenview, IL. It is located in a strip mall on the southwest corner of Milwaukee (IL 21) and W. Lake Ave. Its website is https://www.johnnyskitchenandtap.com/.
Separate checks are available. The prices on the menu are for payments in cash. The cost is 3% higher if payment is by credit card.
GUESTS: If you want to bring a guest, please send me a message and tell me the first name of your guest. I will update your RSVP if space is available. First names are needed since I will be pre-printing name tags.
WAITING LISTS: Please do not put your name on a waiting list if you are not planning on attending. Sometimes there are late cancellations. I understand that at some point you may want to make alternate plans. If so, please change your RSVP to "Not Going". This allows others behind you on the list to be cleared. If anyone on the waiting list is cleared and does not attend, that person will be marked as a no-show.
NO-SHOWS AND LATE CANCELLATIONS: I apologize to all the courteous and responsible people for posting this. Unfortunately this is necessary due to the exceptions.
No-shows may be removed from this group. Cancellations within 48 hours of the event may be considered as no-shows.
Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for late cancellations. This could include illness, family emergencies, unexpected work requirements, car problems, etc. If you have a good reason for cancelling late, please send me a private message explaining the reason and I may excuse you. DO NOT POST YOUR REASON ON A COMMENT. Your message should clearly indicate why you couldn't cancel before the deadline. Messages or comments merely stating something like "Sorry, Something came up." or "Can't make it. Sorry." are not sufficient. Excuses will be examined on a case by case basis. If you have a history of no-shows or late cancellations, this will be taken into consideration.
Dinner at Johnny's Kitchen & Tap in Glenview