What we’re about
By "religion-based bigotry," we mean both (1) bigotry against people because of their religion (or lack thereof) and (2) bigotry rooted in or excused by religion, e.g. bigotry against gays. NYARBB aims to oppose the religious right wing on many different fronts. For information about New Yorkers Against Religion-Based Bigotry, please see the NYARBB main website ( http://nyarbb.com/ ) and the NYARBB blog ( http://blog.nyarbb.org/ ). See especially the main site's "About NYARBB" page ( http://nyarbb.com/about.html ). In addition to our own meetings, this Meetup site will also contain announcements of some non-NYARBB events that look interesting. These will be listed on the calendar as "Notes" rather than as "Meetups." If our next meeting is more than a week in the future, please scroll down below "Our next Meetup" to "More upcoming Meetups," where there will likely be notes about upcoming events that are scheduled sooner than our own next meeting. Occasionally you may see "Our next Meetup: None scheduled," below. If so, please look further down this page to "More upcoming Meetups," where there will probably be some notes announcing other events. (And there WILL be more meetings of our own scheduled in the future, even if there isn't always a meeting announced here.)