Game will be at Central Park North Meadow Field 3 - this is the baseball field that we use in the summer.
9:15 AM warm-ups
9:30 AM grounders
9:45 AM 1st pitch
Welcome to Casual Baseball Club (CBC). We are CoEd and all experience levels are welcomed this is a friendly but competitive game. We are open to all who are looking to play. The aim of each session is to have balanced teams facing each other, you will be assigned a team prior to the session and be expected to cooperate with your teammates.
The Meetup is minimum of $5 per session, Venmo/Cash app and Cash are accepted. If there are any issues finding us, contact Abel @ 917-808-7441. Follow us on instagram @
RULES *Honor your RSVP! If you RSVP you are agreeing to make it to the session. Not showing up ruins the experience for everyone, so only RSVP if you can actually arrive. If something comes up, give us a heads up or simply switch your RSVP to not going. We don't charge you to RSVP so lets play by the honor system. However, if you are a no show 2 times you will automatically be put onto the waitlist going forward. *Slide Rule! When you are a runner on first base, and running to second base on a hit, make an active effort to get out of the fielder's throw (if you want more clarification just ask and we'll explain) otherwise we'll rule it a Double play *Wooden Bats Only!! CBC supplies public equipment for anyone to use marked with green tape, however, players are welcomed to bring their own personal equipment and have it for their own personal use. So don't break somebody's beloved bat, just use the public bats. *Team assignment When assigned a team please be sure to show up with that color. We supply the Meetup with Bats, Baseballs, Bases, Catching Gear, and Helmets. From your end, it is not too difficult to bring a colored shirt and a glove.