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What we’re about

(FREE) The premise is simple; a group of NYC cinema lovers who get together every so often to see Classic/Foreign Films (think IFC Center, Film Forum, etc) and then go out afterwards to have cocktails and discuss! Thinking Bergman, Tarkovsky, Wong Kar Wai, Malick, Melville, Fellini, some classics (Lean, Wells, Kazan), and more modern films like Decision to Leave and Drive My Car. Very informal; a film, a day, and a screening time are announced; everyone buys their own ticket, and we show up early enough that we can sit together. I've been dreaming for years of making this happen! All ages welcome; you just have to love cinema! A new outing every 3-4 weeks. We try to target off-weeknights (Mon-Thurs), so that the films won't be sold out... Feel free to join the many discussions on the Messages thread. Share your favorite directors and films! Please keep it civil; be kind, and no politics, please! Welcome!

Upcoming events (2)

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