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What we’re about

If you enjoy learning more about photography, taking fine arts pictures, and viewing those of others, this group is for you. At each monthly meeting, we'll share two or three of our favorites–whether new or the past. We'll also plan and enjoy field trips to events and locations that will be rich for exciting and rewarding images. Amateur and professional, fine arts or photojournalism, landscape or street photographers – all are welcome!

The goals of this group are to socialize, learn, and share via photography. Socializing includes friendly discussions about Ocala and nearby places, and understanding how we each see and record photographically. Learning will not stress complicated formulas or how to use digital tools (there are thousands of YouTube/Vimeo videos out there that already do that), but rather understanding how each of us strives to successfully achieve our communications goal through photography. Sharing will take place as we encounter opportunities in our photowalks, events, meetings, commentaries, and guest presentations.

Meetings will be moderated by master photographer John Elliott, a professional fine arts, photojournalism, and commercial photographer for 50 years. For more on him, see

We look forward to seeing your images either in print or digital format and hearing your stories of challenges met and visions made! And please share one photo each week on our Facebook page!

Please watch this space for information on our meetings. When you join the group, you will automatically receive advance notice of the upcoming meeting.

Upcoming events (1)

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