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What we’re about

Thousands of Tucsonans struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) which can range from mild to debilitating. Working together we can improve OCD greatly! Unfortunately, we did not get enough people signing up for this Meetup and after many months I am going to close it down. This is the initial notice. of that closure.

The cortical-thalamic-striatal circuitry (CTS) of the brain, designed as a helpful warning system, can become miscalibrated. When this happens, it can create horrible anxiety over non-threats, or exaggerate and obsess over mild issues or problems. Since OCD is in our own thoughts it is very hard to make progress alone. Fortunately, we can improve OCD and dramatically increase our freedom, aliveness, and enjoyment. This supportive, accepting and compassionate Meetup group provides peer support in using tools like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Mindfulness, Attention Training and many others. All with a sincere desire to improve their situation and be compassionate toward others are welcome! A few particulars:
* The Meetup is peer-led. This is a support group not a treatment group.
* Location is near I-10 and Cortaro
* We meet weekly on Wednesday from 5:30-7:00 PM (Can be changed by group vote)
* Open to anyone diagnosed with an Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorder
* One family member or supportive other is allowed each meeting. No media.
* We are not equipped to handle: Self-harm, Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis,
Schizophrenia, threatening behavior, physical or sexual acting out.
* No smoking, street-drugs, alcohol or pets (including service animals)
* Additional questions please Message Chris K.

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