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What we’re about

Do you love to play Tetris? I sure do. I always wanted to join a Tetris Tournament, but was unable to locate one, so I made one! Want to put your skills to the test against other players locally in the area? Please join my group! Here's how it works...

Tournaments are held monthly. They could be held more often as the group gains traction.

There is a $10 entrance fee per tournament, per player. Your entrance fee can be paid by PayPal through the MeetUp app.

There must be a minimum of 10 human participants in order for the tournament to continue. As you know, Tetris 99 also includes CPU players to get to the 99 players.

Once all payments and players are verified, I will share the password and play will begin!

1st place gets a $25 grand prize. Payable by either PayPal or Ca$hApp. Unfortunately, no prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.

Looking forward to meeting all of you! Good Luck!

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