What we’re about
Welcome book lovers far and wide! Galatea, the popular reading App welcomes millions of book readers each month to come and read from a selection of 400 eBooks to choose from.
Come visit our brand new office on the 12th of October! We'd love to give you a FREE month-long subscription to our app to try out and be able to have access to unlimited FREE stories! You're more than welcome to bring a +1 along with you, who will also get access to read books for a whole month with you!
We'll chat about our favorite books, both in and out the App! Along with getting to meet other amazing book lovers! There will be snacks and drinks, so please let us know if you have any allergies and we'll try our best to accommodate!
Available on both the iOS and Android stores, our App includes Immersive sounds and special effects into our stories, to be able to engage in a book like you've never done before! Feel free to check it out before you come on over, we'd love to hear your feedback to help improve the experience for everyone!
Apple - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/galatea-audiobooks-ebooks/id1380362212
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.colt&hl=en_US&gl=US