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Ageless Face Yoga with Anti-Aging Product Sampling

Photo of Suzen Sharda Segall
Hosted By
Suzen Sharda S.


Ageless Face Yoga with Product for anti-aging inside and out
Tuesdays: 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/30
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
$20 per week

Refresh and Restore Radiance to the Face and Mind

Turn back the clock with guided self-acupressure, yoga, breathing and energy exercises focused on the face and neck. Participants will feel the positive impact on the whole body, mind and spirit.

Thriving beyond breast cancer for over 11 years, Sharda's plant-based lifestyle and practice of integrated health and wellness of almost five decades led her to identify skincare and wellness products and technologies that are health enhancing and inflammation reducing. Be assured the patented products introduced and sampled during the sessions are free of parabens, gluten, sulfates, DEA, synthetics, propylene glycol and are plant-based and cruelty free.and deliver an average of 30% improvement in overall appearance of the skin. What means the most to Sharda is that 30% of all profits go to on-going cancer research.

Each session stands alone with restorative benefits and visible radiance. Attending weekly will cultivate new good habits for transforming and buffering stress, fatigue, mind fog, pain and more. Sharda says "Turning back the clock is in our hands now".

$20 per session includes a take home resource packet and in class Nerium and SpringAquaH Sampling each week. Participants may place orders for the full portfolio of skincare and wellness products onsite at a 25% discount.

Positive changes will be demonstrated before each session ends not only through the guided BodyArts practices, but also by experiencing the cutting edge products. For example, during savasana relaxation with legs up the wall, and grounded, the spa like refreshing eye hydrogels will sooth and hydrate and leave you brighter and smoother around the eyes. Learn about the night treatment that worked like a facelift in a bottle for

Reserve by the Monday before each session at $20. Paypal or check mailed
( no session 10/23 attend the GH Wellness Circle instead and reinforce the new skills!)

In order to assure the materials are ready, payment is due a day ahead on Mondays.

Turning back the clock with Ageless Face Yoga

Tuesdays: 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/30 6:30pm - 8:30 pm
( no session 10/23 attend the GH Wellness Circle instead!)

Phone/text 412 656 4645) or email [email protected] for more information and to register
Our studio is well equipped so you neednt bring props

Photo of Open Pittsburgh Yoga group
Open Pittsburgh Yoga
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Tuesday, September 24, 2024
2:30 AM

Every week on Tuesday

Green Heiress Holistic Wellness Center
Commercial Avenue · Aspinwall, PA
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