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What we’re about

COME AS YOU ARE! You don't have to feel like a writer, or be a published writer, or whatever else the inner critic says you have to be, before you could consider joining a writing group. Feel free to work on your shopping list, monkey mind journal, homework, poems, your latest fantasy novel, difficult letter, an outline of a story idea, your memoir, a video script, a course outline, or whatever else! EVERYONE & EVERYTHING IS WELCOME!*

The main goal is to create a free, accessible, safe, open and friendly space for writers of all orientation, background, ages, abilities – neurological, mental and physical! Without any performance pressure, or incentive to succeed in any shape or form, other than it making you feel content.

We meet in a relaxed environment, fairly central in Berlin, either in a café, hotel lobby, or an open space (weather allowing) for some joint writing time. There is never any pressure to read out loud, unless it's your wish to do so.

➡️ at our in-person meetups:
We have found it particularly valuable to loosely structure our sessions as follows:

15 to 30 mins: Arriving; settling in and setting up; ordering coffees/soft-drinks; small-talk (only if comfortable)

–official start–

10 – 15 mins: Introductions – sharing your name and pronouns, and what you'll be or would like to be working on this session (voluntary)

90 mins: Focused writing time – there will be no official break in between, but everyone is free to take their own breaks. (If you'd like to talk, please do so at another table, so that the rest of the writers will be undisturbed. Thank you.)

10 – 15 mins: Wrap-up – voluntary recap about how your session went, e.g. what went well?, and how would you like to improve?

Bonus: Feel free to engage in more conversation with others, and/or simply stay to write some more

Please note: This group was formally known as: Creative Writing Group, Berlin.

JULY 2024 – A little background, reason for our prolonged absence, and change of name:
This group originated in Frankfurt a. M. and was started by the lovely M. quite a few years ago. Unfortunately he hasn't been able to continue moderating this group, hence it had gotten a bit quiet around here; and whilst we were trying to figure out how to go from here – luckily, there are many other wonderful writing groups available here in Berlin – behind the scenes, a little core group of us have continued writing together on a regular, weekly basis, and are now happy to add more open sessions here on meetup.

👋 Hope to see you soon!

the organisers & Writers.

* We want to do our utmost to provide a safe space! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM for homophobia, transphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, anti-Islamism, ableism, fat-phobia, body-shaming, sexism, or any other form of discrimination!!!