What we’re about
Whatever it is that drives you to train with us, it will be well worth it!!! <br>
Every training session will be about 60 minutes long. We usually incorporate a lot of equipment stations, body weight exercises, speed and agility drills, and we always work on a strong core!
We are taking every session into the beautiful outdoors! If you are tired of the gym life, come and meet us at our Fort Collins parks!
Please always bring enough water or sports drinks! Also wear good running/training shoes!! Towels can be brought on bad weather days for people who like to clean up after training ;) <br>
Remember that we do train in winter! When it is below freezing you NEED to bring clothes to throw over after training!!!!! LAYERING is your best friend for those cold, cold days!
And yes, we train outside just about 365 days of the year!!!