What we’re about
What was "church" like 2,000 years ago? Without a time machine, we will never know how it may have looked or sounded. We can, however, make an educated guess about what they believed -- and it was probably very different from today's church.
The first Christians were unorthodox -- they did not all believe the same thing. Why? Most of them couldn't read; and even if they could, the Roman Empire didn't compile the first Bible for its state religion until the 4th century. (Read more about this here.)
How did the original Christians grow in their relationship with God? What did they really know about Jesus, the Christ? Without an instruction manual or an organizational hierarchy, their spiritual life must have been organic, dynamic and diverse.
The mission of this Original Christians Meetup group is to restore the inquisitive and engaging mindset of 1st century believers, and to discover God in a new (or very old) way.