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What we’re about

This is a meetup for technical folks with an interest in information security. If you work in IT, development, a NOC, SOC, blue team or red team where you are responsible in some way for the security of software, networks, systems and the information they store, process or transmit, we encourage you to join us. If you're a vulnerability researcher, a bug hunter or if you simply have a technical background and interest in the field of information security, we encourage you to join us. Our aim is to fill a small but important (to us!) niche in the local scene by giving the infosec crowd a chance to get together regularly in a casual environment...with beer!

The tone is informal. Newcomers are welcome. There are no scheduled presentations, only introductions and discussions over drinks. No sales pitches please but rounds of drinks on company expense accounts are welcome. This is a monthly event taking place on the 3rd Thursday of every month with locations announced in advance.

We also have a Slack channel, please contact one of the hosts to get an invite.