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What we’re about

Welcome to Ottawa & Beyond the limits:

Welcome everyone and there is no limit here, we will take you to new venues and above the call of duty every single time. This is for anyone who is single and or couples to attend social events all over Ottawa & Beyond group events.
We do not discriminate as I love all people and people matter in this word, we strongly support both men and women as leaders and as friends and we do promote gossip or judging others or talking badly about others. We accept you for who you are. We treat all with kindness and respect. You are now part of my family. I am the owner.
This group is a social event lovers group far and wide. Beyond the limits means the possibilities of events are endless. My group was created as an online social group hosting live events where you meet people in real life and that are real just like you.

I host and my team hosts all kinds of events on a wide range of fun events throughout Ottawa and Gatineau and beyond. If you looking for a change in your life, feel lonely, this is the right atmosphere for you where I host and manage fun loving events, this is for you and all your friends. Take the time to connect, with people you meet, make a friends, exchange phone numbers and go beyond meetup once you met, get to know someone by name each and every time.

Organizers, hosts and how to become one: Message me via meetup and ask to be an organizer: Organizers volunteer.
if you have any ideas for events, feel free to contact me or if you love to organize events, love to hear from you as my team has the best organizers that have been part of meetup for 10 years. Organizers and event organizers and co-organizers volunteer their free time and are not deemed responsible and liable and treat them with respect at all times, they work very hard and the owner as well. We will take the time to discuss anything with you and the final decisions remain with the owner, if after 3 warnings for any reason, you can be band permanently from the group. I am the only one who will discuss any issues with you before that happens. The owners holds those rights.

Little about me as Owner:
I have worked for the parliament, privy council, house of commons, law offices, and public safety and cyber security, finance and HR so I know the meetup rules and policy rather well, I promote loyalty, friendship, non judgement, help others by messaging them when need be and promote good communication and good values including real life meet up contacts.

Events that I host or we host: walks, sports, music, dancing, tours, wine tasting tours, dinners, boat houses, patios, live music, adventures like dog sledding and ice fishing, social events, festivals, farmers markets, walking, waterfall walks, breakfast and brunch, dinners, outings of various kinds and special events and outdoor concerts as well. Endless possibilities of events. I was deemed the queen of meetup.

Membership fees: Why we ask for the membership fees.
Our annual fees range from 275 to 300 or more per year US. Prices keep rising.
Membership fees are 20$ every year to offset the annual fees that owners pay. Nobody else will explain this to you either or any other group. I ask to donate 10$ for one full year if you wish to donate, it is not mandatory but it sure helps. Many times meetup owners don't realize how much they have to pay and so they close down there groups as they cannot survive without your donations to the group. Some of us like me especially work 24/7 on meetup including our jobs, so please be patient with us, I try hard to respond to all your messages some days its a lot but I do it with a smile everyday and remember that we are human just like you and have lives outside meetup as well. We are not perfect but we try our best.

How to make the membership fees and donate to the owner:
I prefer etransfer so that we can monitor the person who paid and update it without forgetting who paid, send it to the owner (Julie) at [email protected] by etransfer with no password, its autodeposit and the fee is 20.00$ and we will mark you as paid under your name in meetup for that year. For all those who do make the donation, we thank you so much. Lets continue to support the best groups who do post lots and lots of events for you and truly I am passionate about my events and my site. I take the time, I hope you do too. This is part of the meetup policy. Many in meetup don't know the rules and don't respect them. The fee is a very cheap 1.66$ cents for 12 months.

What else can meetup and Ottawa & Beyond bring in your life: Change, friendship, dating someone, a good friend, helping hand, support, great for mental health, communication, meaningful connections, real life connections that foster. Don't be shy to make a friend, we love all equally. We are all human and bleed the same blood. Take the time to know someone and remember to respect the owner at all times. Exchange phone numbers with a friend if they are okay with that. We promote friendship and love. If you do date someone that has nothing to do with our group since that is after the event is done. If it goes wrong, the owner is not responsible.

Some rules to remember for success in meetup:
No shows will be monitored by all organizers and owner, and if you register, and do not wish to attend, it is your responsibility to remove yourself from the group and notify the host that you will not be going, use the comments page in the event to post you will not be going, remember effective communication is key to make friendship and be in good standing with the organizers and owner.
If not, you may be prevented from attending future events, this applies to any group pretty much and you might be obliged to pay the membership and if all this fails, you can be banned from the group after being warned too many times.

Tickets to events: When there is a ticket to an event, you must post that your ticket is bought 3 or 4 days before, this prevents scammers to scam the system and lie that that they are going, we often have to hold seats and arrive an hour early to hold your seat, not fair for anyone going to the event and then we wait for a long time for you to show up and many members have raised concerns that they wait for you and you dont care. if we care then you should to.

Thank you. Have fun always. Remember harassment free environment and nobody deserves to be yelled at. Proud to be owner and an activate participant in all my outings. Be kind to all. If you are unsure of the rules, you may contact me as well.