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What we’re about

This is a group for those of us that are 35 to 55. Most of us are in the second chapter in our lives and are slowly rediscovering what is out there. We are dedicated to meeting new friends in environments that are generally conducive to conversation and get to engage in an entertaining atmosphere. It'll be stuff you've always wanted to do, but didn't want to do alone (we're also couples friendly). We're not a dating site. We're an escape from that, a no pressure way to make friends and meet people. If romance happens, that's great, but I created this group to be a safe space for everyone. Stay in your lanes, be respectful of others, and play nice!
Our mix of activities will be dinners, dancing, live bands, cultural events, movie nights, craft/painting/game/trivia nights, picnics, hikes and walks, playing tourist in our town, and generally anything that strikes our fancy. There is no need to be shy at one of our events. We were all newbies once! The other event hosts and I will keep an eye out for new members and introduce you to each other. You will be engaged and drawn into conversations. Members that make it out to one event tend to come out to as many as they can. We will always ensure that venue staff will know where to send you when you get to a location. 
This is your group, I'm just a figurehead. We have some amazing assistant organizers, hosts and volunteers who are always on the lookout for fun things to do. Any cover charges listed are the venues' not ours. This isn't that kind of meetup group. Running the site isn't free however, and meetup charges me a fee to keep it going. To cover that I might throw up a donate button eventually. Pay what you will, when you can, or buy me a drink. It'll all work out in the end.  :)  
Feel free to drop me a line with event ideas or general suggestions; if you're willing to step up and organize something, even to help in general I'd appreciate it. We strive for event exclusivity and generally don't cross post with other groups, and we don't post things that are commercial in nature. We want our stuff to be unique and special to us. 

Thanks for joining us and being part of this group, I look forward to meeting you all soon. 
Your humble host,

PS. The part I hate, the legalese. The fine print. The C.Y.A. bits we seem to need in this society. 
• 1 - We are adults, own it. By participating in these events, you agree not to hold any organizers or hosts liable (Especially if Timmy falls down a well, or if you do something silly and hurt yourself). 
• 2 - We are LGBTQ+ friendly. Heck, we are friendly with everyone, god fearing or flying spaghetti monstering, singles or couples, whatever your culture, political bent, or nationality, we don't care. Are you good people? That's all we need to know. This is a fun outlet for me. Please don't make me police your drama, be nice! 
• 3 - We are a group for meeting people and making new friends. **This is not Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, Match, or any number of online dating sites. *Please do not send fellow members unsolicited messages - if you haven't met them, don't message them. ***I know you think you're being cool and all, but stop. It's weird and awkward, and it makes people uncomfortable. Anyone who abuses this, or gives any fellow member the heebie-jeebies will get the mighty ban hammer. Internet safety rules apply, don't use your full name in your profile, play safe!
• 4 - We require a visible photo of your face in your profile. It allows us find you in a crowd at your first event and creates a more open and dynamic group atmosphere. If you can't post your picture publicly for work or personal reasons, you'll be asked to send one to me to verify who you are before you're approved as a member. 
• 5 - If you RSVP to an event, BE there. Especially if numbers are limited and there are others on the wait-list that want to go. RSVP's are tracked. Abusers will get bumped from popular events, and may even get removed from the group. Please cancel at least 12 hrs in advance. Restaurants put on additional staff for us, don't ruin relationships we've cultivated with the owners please. That said, please don't attend events if you haven't signed up for them! We reserve a certain number of seats based on the event location's capacity and how many people the event organizer is comfortable hosting. Organizers reserve the right to ask you to leave if we don't have room for you. Respect the wait list please.
Have fun with us! Really. I mean it. Sign up for something and come out and play!