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What Is Wisdom?

Photo of Eunjin
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What Is Wisdom?


Note: Do order a drink, tea, coffee or food when attending this event in support of Royal Oak for letting us use the Roxy Room. Please arrive at 6:45pm to order your drinks/food so that we can start the event at 7pm with minimum interruption. Thank you.

What does wisdom mean to you? Why is it important in our lives? What does it take to be a wise person? And do we have a responsibility to be wise?

Generally defined as the ability to make good judgments based on knowledge and experience, wisdom comes from many sources. We encounter words of wisdom in popular songs (e.g., The Beatles' "Let It Be" or The Rolling Stones' "You Can’t Always Get What You Want"), movies, and from philosophers, religious figures, grandparents, and other family members. Even Uber drivers or other strangers can be sources of wisdom.

It is widely acknowledged that wisdom comes with age and the various experiences an individual undergoes over a lifetime. While age and wisdom are not always directly correlated, it is true that people accumulate more life experiences as they get older, including many lessons learned. These lessons may help them recognize their limitations and learn how to live a more meaningful life by not repeating the same mistakes, making them wiser than before. But wait, is it our responsibility to be wise? If so, why and for whom?

During our discussion, we will reflect on various aspects of wisdom and explore how we can leverage the wisdom available to us through our direct and indirect experiences to live a more meaningful life. We will also consider the importance of being wise, whether we are responsible for being wise, or if it is merely a personal choice.

Pre-discussion Task: Please think about the wisest person you’ve known and reflect on why you think that person was wise. I will invite a few people at the beginning to start off the discussion.

Photo of Ottawa Socrates Café group
Ottawa Socrates Café
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