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What we’re about

The Ottawa Psychedelic Education Network (OPEN) is a safe and supportive community for those interested in psychedelics, entheogens, plant medicines, plant teachers and non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Through community engagement and education on the nature of psychedelic experiences as well as the rapidly advancing scientific research into their potential for healing and personal transformation, we hope to break the stigma surrounding psychedelics and those who use them. We take a strong harm-reduction approach, and support the legalization and sensible regulation of psychedelic medicines.
Our events provide opportunities for members to explore, learn and share one's experiences with like-minded individuals and are aimed at providing a supportive environment where one can feel comfortable examining the various insights, impacts and challenges generated by these experiences. We also place a strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion, harm reduction and encouraging the open and safe use of psychedelic substances. 
More information and community posts can be found on

Our website:
Facebook page:

Please Note:
We ask that all members respect other people’s privacy. The current stigmas and prohibitions make it difficult for some to be open about their interests in this subject matter.
We do not encourage or condone the purchase, sale, transfer, or use of any illegal substances; nor partaking in any unlawful activities related to such substances. Please do not bring, buy, sell, transfer, or arrive on any illicit substances, or swap information on how to acquire them at any of our events.

Upcoming events (3)

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