Apple Pie Hill, Batona and Tulpehocken Trails----- 12 Miles
If you are new to my hikes before you can register you have to message or email me.Priority will be given to those who regularly attend or who cancel their reservation at least 24 hours in advance.
A couple of months ago as I read through the O.C.S.J. hiking schedule I read about Larry Caniglia's hike on the Tulpehocken Trail. I led a hike on the Batona Trail up to Apple Pie Hill and I saw the blazes for the Tulpehocken Trail. I have read about this trail on the South Jersey Trails so I decided to lead a hike on this trail.
The Tulpehocken Trail as described by South Jersey Trails has a varied terrain, hilly,contains cedar creeks, swamp/bog marshes,renaturalized cranberry bogs and sand dunes.The hiking surface is sand roads, gravel,pine needles, boardwalks and bridges.
The hike begins on the Batona ( pink) Trail and we hike up to Apple Pie Hill ( Fire Tower) and connect to Tulpehocken (blue) Trail.We continue on this trail until we reach Carranza Road for right turn. We continue until we reach the Batona Trail for lunch break.After lunch we continue on Batona Trail back to cars.
The hike will be 12 miles at a fast pace (3-3.2 miles per hour) .Bring water,lunch,snacks,bug spray and something to sit on. Questions contact Al D. asilviod [email protected]. (home) 732 569-6858 ( cell day of hike only) 640 208-0872.
Before leaving the house please check the comments section for cancellations.If a hike is cancelled it will be posted by 6am.
Apple Pie Hill, Batona and Tulpehocken Trails----- 12 Miles