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Santa says we have been good little hikers this year so let's gift ourselves a nice walk on one of his favorite trails.
Will we walk a moderate pace on the 1808 and SAW trails in Batsto Village, approximately 5 miles. There will be a break at the Buttonwood campground and stops to look at anything interesting. Please no clock watchers, children under 10 or pets. I was told by the park staff that the bathrooms at Batsto will be open though the Visitor Center is closed for the holiday. There is also a privy at Buttonwood. Bring a snack and a beverage for the break. Optional lunch at Batsto at the picnic area after the hike. I will bring cookies for dessert.
Any bad weather cancellation will be made by 7:30am.
Ro Mason [email protected] 609.271.2167

Photo of Outdoor Club of South Jersey - Hiking/Camping/Backpacking group
Outdoor Club of South Jersey - Hiking/Camping/Backpacking
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