Bravo Group is looking for some additional players.
Current play is through Discord and We meet on alternating Saturdays from 11:00am until roughly 5:00pm. We are currently playing Dragon Age RPG but are also not against giving other systems a try. We are also working on getting a D&D 5e campaign together. We would like to get at least 2-3 additional players who are willing and able to play on a fairly consistent basis.
Email me after RSVPing. I chat with perspective players to make sure that their expectations for the game are similar to what we expect for the group. If we both agree that our expectations are similar, I can share the Discord/Roll20 information. We do not accept anyone that does not follow this process. RSVPing the day before the game for your first session will likely result in you not being able to attend that session.
Every 2 weeks on Saturday
Bravo Group Campaign Continues