This is a sci-fi & fantasy writing group that reciprocally gives critique on our members' submitted work. Our members span the gammut of writing interests - from sentient spaceships and near-future distopias, to supernatural gothic Victorians, high fantasy, sci-fi thriller/horror, and more.
New members cannot submit their own work for their first meetup. This allows new members to get a feel for how the group works. It's not a pat-on-the-back praise-group - it's honest critique on character, dialogue, plot, setting, prose, etc.
How critique meetups work:
- Members submit their work during the month to our group Google Drive. This is part of Google Groups to protect members' email addresses. It also restricts access of submitted work to members only (so it isn't publically available on the internet).
- Cutoff for submission is 1 week prior to the physical meetup to allow time for members to give a high-quality critique.
- Maximum length: 10 single-space pages, Times New Roman 12 font.
- We meet the last Saturday of the month to discuss the writing submitted during the month.
If you're interested in the group, message me to touch base, then you can request membership (and access to submissions) here:
You can also find us on Facebook, where we make casual posts:
Note: joining the group on Facebook doesn't give you access to the submissions - you'll need to join the Google Group for that.
Most of our core doesn't sign up on Meetup for each event, so don't be intimidated if there aren’t many people signed up via Meetup. :)
Come chat with fellow writers about all things sci-fi and fantasy. Let us know what you're working on.