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What we’re about

This group was formed to allow retirees an opportunity to walk and hike in the Portland area. There is a thirty-day free period, and if the group meets your expectations, there is a one-time twelve-dollar fee. The fee helps to cover the costs that Meetup charges me as group organizer. We now hike as far away as the Oregon Coast, in Washington and in the Columbia River Gorge. Some people want to hike primarily for exercise, while others want to have slower hikes with time to stop to take pictures and observe nature. I try to run one medium speed/distance hike per week, with additional hosts running hikes of their choosing. These might include slower nature hikes and faster, longer, steeper hikes. This group will offer you a chance to meet other senior outdoor enthusiasts with similar walking and hiking goals.

Beyond the great outdoors we can also enjoy social activities if your heart so desires - We can certainly get together for coffee or a meal after our events, if members would like to relax and do more socializing. I'll try to mention a place to meet up.

1. When you become a member please add your head-shot photo so we can recognize you at an event. Your real name would also be helpful.
2. RSVP "YES" if you are reasonably sure you will attend. Do not RSVP "NO" to an event unless you are changing your RSVP from yes to no and try to do it early enough so that someone on the waiting list is notified in time to attend. That will also give the event host an accurate head count and members won't stand around waiting for you to arrive. If you cancel the morning of an event, you will be considered a "no show". If a member is a frequent "no-show" he/she may be removed from the group.
3. If we decide to carpool somewhere please plan to give money to the driver to allow for gasoline, wear and tear on the vehicle. With gas prices much higher than in years past, I recommend ten to fifteen cents per mile per rider, but a flat rate for a longer drive can be considered and agreed upon, ahead of time, by the driver and passengers.

Declaration: Waiver, Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement for PacNW 60+ Adults Walking & Hiking. I understand that my execution of this Waiver, release and Indemnity Agreement ("Agreement") is a prerequisite for attending group activities sponsored by the Group. I further understand that there could be risks and dangers inherent in attending these activities.
I understand that in order to partake in Group activities I agree to assume all risks and to release and hold harmless this Group and its Group leaders, organizers, hosts and volunteers.
I intend by this Agreement to release, in advance, and to waive my rights and discharge all of the persons mentioned above, from any and all claims for death, personal injury, or property damage which I may have, or may hereafter accrue to me as a results of my participation in Group events, even though this liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective property, or equipment owned, maintained or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault.
I intend and agree to financially indemnify and hold harmless the persons mentioned above from any actions brought against them by other parties on account of damages or injuries related to or caused by my participation in any of the PacNW 60+ Hikes/Walks, Camping and Adventures Group events. I understand and agree that this Agreement is binding on me and any of my representatives.
I have carefully read this Waiver, Release and Indemnity Agreement and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a Release of Liability and a contract between me, and the persons mentioned above, and I agree to these terms of my own free will. When you RSVP for an event it indicates that you agree to these terms.
I hope you'll join us for many fun events!  I look forward to meeting you in person. Alan (503) 358-6981

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