What we’re about
At Palmer Memorial FWB Church we believe that learning about Christ and submitting ourselves to the Potters hand are paramount. We are a fun loving, established, small church (<13 members) that meets regularly on Sundays for morning Sunday School (9:45AM) and morning worship (10:45AM). Most of our members are older (in their 60's) with some younger members with children. Our pastor, Joe Myrick, holds a job outside of the church and is not shy about sharing what changed his life course from utter destruction to redemption. This is someone who you can quickly tell has been broken by the Potter's hand and remade for His purpose.
A typical morning service looks as follows:
The morning service starts with a hymn sung by the small congregation via accompaniment by piano. Following this a prayer is given by the pastor, another hymn is sung, and the sermon commences. A final hymn, the third, is sung, an invitation is always extended to accept Christ and benediction (prayer) is given usually by one of the members.
This is an atypical church because although there are collection bowls, they are not passed around. They reside in the back. Sermons are not about money, instead they are focused on the rehabilitation of the spirit that God endowed us with, the treachery of the heart, and the redemption from the thorns of the flesh that can only be achieved through a relationship with Christ. It is a supportive environment that acknowledges: we are imperfect but we can be made whole.
Communion occurs on a consistent basis (somewhat altered during Covid) and feet washing also takes place. Feet washing is optional and there is no requirement for participation.
We would love for you to join us (plenty of room!). This church is for anyone who is:
1. Looking for redemption
2. Wants to become closer to Christ
3. Curious
4. Introverts
5. Extroverts
6. Animal lovers
7. Older generations
8. Couples with young children
9. Couples
10. Single folks
11. Younger generations
12. Sinners
13. Non-Judgemental [we are all sinners, see #12 :-) ]
Come join us on Sunday's and learn more about God, His Promise, His Sacrifice, and how we are redeemable - even when it seems as though we are past redemption.