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What we’re about

Kia Ora and welcome to you all, Harih Om, Namaste, Talofa Lava!
Welcome to the Panmure Death Cafe' group.
We will meet regularly every month at Panmure library, either on Saturday or Sunday from 2 to 3:30 pm.
The objective of the Death Cafe' is to increase awareness of death with a view of helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.
In the Death Cafe there are no hierarchies, we all meet simply as people who are going to die; we are going to share thoughts, experiences, ideas about death and dying with no preconceived agenda or topic. We are not a bereavement support or grief counselling setting; Death Cafe' doesn't work for people who, for whatever reason, aren't able to discuss death comfortably and openly.
We will meet as human beings and we will talk, reflect and learn from each other, discussing an unusual hopefully we'll be more prepared, familiar, informed and relaxed when we die!