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Chronic Conditions - Coffee and Connection (12pm PST on Zoom)

Photo of Leslie A. Field
Hosted By
Leslie A. F.
Chronic Conditions - Coffee and Connection (12pm PST on Zoom)


Sometimes all we need is to set aside the time to pause and reflect on what's been going on with our health and our bodies, otherwise it doesn’t happen because of put-your-reason-or-excuse-here.

This group is for men and women of all ages who have been managing a long term diagnosis/illness/chronic condition, and want to join together with others for reflection, support and connection with others who are also managing a long-term medical diagnosis.

  • This is a LIVE 1.5 hour gathering happening on Zoom and will not be recorded for everyone's privacy.
  • This is a group that meets once a month.
  • Men and women of all ages and at various states of their diagnosis and healing are encouraged and welcome.

We all have important insight share, and having the diversity of ages, conditions, and length of time living with a condition will add to the richness of this group. Sharing our experiences with others, while listening to other people's experience, is cathartic. My desire is that these gatherings will help us all come into better connection and relationship with our inner world - our thoughts and emotions - as well as our bodies.


Here's a general outline of the 1.5 hour meeting:

  • 5mins: Welcome and settling in
  • 15mins: Short group check-in
  • 40mins: Breakout rooms with other people to connect and answer a series of prompts
  • **At 1 hour mark say goodbye to those who need to leave**
  • 20mins gentle guided movement or embodiment practice post breakout room (can be done off screen and standing, sitting or laying down)
  • 10mins Closing thoughts

I've created a short video where I explain my vision and format for the gathering, and it's located on this group's welcome page.


Once you RSVP you will receive a Zoom link from for our gathering AND you can locate it by logging only meetup and searching for the events you have RSVP'D to.

PLEASE JOIN 5mins BEFORE THE MEETING BEGINS, that way you don't run into any connection issues. Prior to the meeting you can email me directly, but note that once the meeting begins I will not be able to check email: [email protected]

PS - Coffee not required for gathering. Bring your favorite beverage. Mine will likely be tea! ;)

PPS - I do have a podcast that explores Sickness and Healing, and if this topic is of interest to you, I'd love for you to take a listen. It's called Sick and Seeking. Listen on all major podcast platforms or at

Photo of ::Pasadena, CA:: Chronic Conditions - Coffee and Connection group
::Pasadena, CA:: Chronic Conditions - Coffee and Connection
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