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What we’re about

Welcome to Path of the Heart Meetup, a group dedicated to the yearning hearts seeking love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and giving. In a world where materialism and individualism are placed higher than love, compassion, and kindness, there are still ones who resonate that there is space for selfless giving and receiving within them. This is a group for those ones to join, share, and explore the path of the heart together. We will explore how we can live from the resonances of pure heart in daily life, moment by moment, giving even when we think we have nothing to give and spreading this resonance among others and the world. We will gather from time to time to talk and share our experiences through stories, poetry, meditation, acts of kindness and giving, and conscious activities, sometimes from what we feel in the moment and sometimes from spiritual traditions like yoga, Sufism, and mysticism. The goal remains the same: amplifying the compassionate and loving resonances of the heart and sharing it with others.

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