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Path of the heart: Poetry, Meditation and Giving

Photo of Sheikh S M
Hosted By
Sheikh S M.
Path of the heart: Poetry, Meditation and Giving


Join us for an evening of heart meditation and poetry as we walk in the path of Love, compassion and kindness. The evening will not be bound within rigid structure, we will be open for meditation, poetry, music, spontaneous talking, sharing or even just sitting in silence and experience the space as we are with acceptance. You can bring your favorite poems or simply come to listen and connect with like-minded individuals in an ambiance of compassion and non-judgement 🫶.

Come with an openness of sharing material (food, drink, gift) or immaterial (love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness) you may want to give, as one of the intentions of this gathering is to have the experience of unconditional giving. This event is to explore and experience a sense of compassion, positivity, giving and radiance of heart while celebrating the beauty of good things in life. Let's embrace the magic of the heart together and create moments of joy and inspiration 🤍.

This is the first gathering of this group at a charming park in Neukölln, we hope that the weather will be good that evening. We will sit on the grass, 🌱, but you can bring something to sit on.

Please join the whatsapp group for exact location or any updates:

Photo of Path of the heart group
Path of the heart
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Schierker Straße 8, 12051 Berlin · Berlin
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location