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What we’re about

Hello. We’re long-time residents of Pentagon Row who hang out here and in Crystal City, and we thought we’d start a group to meet folks who are new to the area, and neighbors we haven’t yet run into.

We usually do local bars on weekend nights, but we’re open to the occasional happy hour and/or dinner, depending on how many members we get, and what they’d like to do.

We want to keep it casual and social, so all ages are welcome, there’s no “theme” or agenda other than enjoying cocktails and good conversation, and we don’t anticipate any events that require up-front fees.

So, welcome aboard, and let’s explore some of our local haunts together!

Some quick (but relevant) notes:

This is a fun group, not a LinkedIn “networking” group. (Have you ever noticed how the people who talk about “networking” tend to be the people you don’t want to network with?) If you wear your finest professional suit & hand out business cards trying to sell real estate or financial planning, this isn’t your group.

We meet in bars, and bars exist to make money. If you don’t drink, that’s great, but if you join a bar-themed Meetup group and intend drink water all night, it’s discourteous to the venue.

We’re not a dating site. Inevitably, some people show up, look around, and leave if they don’t find a worthy dating “target.” For these individuals, the theme of the group is irrelevant – they are just on the prowl. We started the group to make friends, not because we’re looking for spouses.