Permaculture Zoom Meeting
This will be our 2nd attempt at creating regular zoom meetings, about once a month or every month going forward.
We’ll introduce ourselves and share what we’re passionate about when it comes to Permaculture.
We’ll then give updates on any projects we’re doing, the tasks were up to based on the season, and share anything we’ve learned recently in relation to permaculture, either hands-on or something we’ve read.
We can also try to tap into the collective intelligence of the group to share ideas in response to any questions or issues members of the group have been dealing with lately.
While these types of meetings could involve a permaculture book club if people are interested, we’ll more likely just share the different stuff we’ve been reading and learning on our own.
If you’re interested, hopefully a Wednesday at 7:30 works for you!
And if it’s not a good day/time for you this month (or monthly going forward), please mention that in the comments below or message us directly, in case we need to find a different day/time that’s more accommodating.
We’ll post the zoom link for the meeting as it approaches. Thanks! 🙏
Permaculture Zoom Meeting