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What we’re about

Welcome to the Pharma Speaker Club, a community created for peers in the biotech/pharma sector seeking valuable feedback on their presentations as they prepare for getting back into the workforce or gearing up for their next career move.

The club aims to leverage the ample talent in the biotech/pharma community to sharpen the presentation skills of its peers in a collegial, supportive space to help them showcase the best of themselves and their research at job interviews, conferences, meetings, etc.

How do we intend to do this? We gather virtually (time [EST], day, and frequency TBD) for 60-80 minutes and break down the agenda as follows:

  1. Attendees have 30 seconds to introduce themselves.
  2. Speaker has 30 to 45 minutes to present – depending on company, role, etc.
  3. We open the floor for the remaining time to provide feedback and share thoughts.

This setting presents a unique opportunity for speakers to rehearse their talk in front of a friendly, fully engaged audience comprising colleagues from different backgrounds, to receive useful feedback from their peers, and to ultimately strengthen their presentation skills by incorporating the received ideas and comments into their own presentations.

What makes this experience truly meaningful? You will become a member of a supportive community whose main goal is to embrace its members and their true potential, and to further expand their networks.