PLUG Central - Jitsi Meet: 7-9PM; Speaker from 7:30-8:30PM
Please join us for PLUG Central. During the pandemic we meet on-line at Jitsi Meet, beginning at 7pm. RSVPs are optional. Anyone interested in Linux and Free and Open Source software is welcome to attend. We welcome all levels of expertise, whether you're just curious, a hobbyist, or a professional.
Jitsi Meet agenda:
Q&A with emcee CJ Fearnley from 7-7:30PM. Bring your Linux (and related) questions for a group exploration.
The main presentation from 7:30-8:30PM: TBD.
Q&A continued from 8:30-9PM.
After the pandemic dissipates, we plan to again meet in Lecture Hall A in Griffith Hall at USP in Philadelphia. We plan to revert to the original speaker slot from 8-9PM with Q&A at the beginning to better support travel constraints.
After the presentation some of us adjourn to Clarkville ( a nearby pizza and craft beer restaurant.
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP)
Griffith Hall (Room "A" or "C", look for the signs)
600 South 43rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495
USP is located in University City. Driving directions are available at, or, both of which have an aerial view of the campus buildings. USP is also easily accessible by public transportation.
Often, the door to Griffith Hall is locked at 7PM. If you find the door locked, please contact the security guard (usually in the booth in the parking lot) and tell them that the monthly PLUG (Philadelphia Linux User Group) meeting in Griffith Hall is tonight. If there is no one in the booth you can call UCS's public safety number at 215.895.1117 and they will radio personnel to unlock the door. Our sponsor is Zhiwei Liu in the Chemistry department. Security knows this and will almost always open the door for you and have it unlocked so other participants can enter without issue.
Every 1st Wednesday of the month
PLUG Central - Jitsi Meet: 7-9PM; Speaker from 7:30-8:30PM