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Free - How to take full control of your unconscious mind.

Photo of Vegas meetup Joshua Roy
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Vegas meetup Joshua R.
Free - How to take full control of your unconscious mind.


Coming to you from Australia. Joshua Roy, professional life coach, has run more than 450 live seminars, and has spent more than 2500 hours doing 1 on 1 coaching.

You have a conscious mind, and you have an unconscious mind. You will succeed in life to the degree that you can get both parts of your mind working in harmony together.
How does one create lasting change?
How does one create more happiness?
How does one create more wealth?
How does one overcome addiction?
How does one deal with self sabotage, limiting beliefs and fear?
How does one shift from victim to victor?
Is there a need for change in your life? Are there situations and emotions that you are dealing with that disrupt your peace?
Why would you want to take full control of the unconscious mind?
The research suggests that severe TRAUMA suffered at a young age affects brain development and function. Furthermore, if a person experienced more than 7 major traumas between the ages of 1 to 7 (the imprint period) this person is 4 times as likely to suffer heart conditions, and 3 times more likely to develop cancer. (This was not related to lifestyle choices. It is directly related to TRAUMA).
We have some real challenges in our society with increases in illicit drug use, violent crimes and of tyrants that oppress, and reign with blood and horror on this earth.
The statistics tell us that life is getting more and more stressful and difficult for people.
The statistics do not lie!
Millions suffer with depression each year, while twice as many suffer with anxiety.
65% of adults in developed countries are obese or overweight. (More than 20kg of excess weight is considered body armour. In most cases, it is emotional).
Only 7%-15% of marriages state that their relationship is full of love and passion. Up to 50% of marriages in many parts of the world end in divorce. (India is an exception with the lowest divorce rate IN THE WORLD).
In the comedy movie CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE "the rock" described how he dealt with the TRAUMA of his youth. When asked why he was doing so well, he said, "I bottled up all the pain inside, and then pushed it deep down, and then I just exercised 6 hours every day. Anybody could do it".
You laugh, yet repressed emotions can affect life expectancy, and the quality of our lives. In this session I will demonstrate an emotional release exercise that is designed to rewrite the neurology of the past, so that we can not longer think about the past in a negative way. This will help you to achieve different results in the present, and into the future.
People sometimes ask. Is it easy to change? Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not. One thing is for sure, true change requires work and persistence.
With the staggering size of the self help industry, one would think that society would be getting happier. Yet more people are taking pills to deal with depression, and more people turning to alcohol and drugs.
At this meetup I will show you how to create more joy and happiness in life and how to experience more powerful positive emotions every day of your life. Life is a joy, and it is meant to be enjoyed and experienced to the fullest. However, creating habits around energy and excitement will be challenging, and will require work and persistence, but I also promise that it will all be worth it.
• Important to know
Supercharge your goals, Gain confidence and eliminate the fear of failure, Eliminate self-sabotage, Build resilience and let go of the fear of rejection, Overcome negative states such as anxiety and worry, Engineer your ideal state of confidence, motivation and joy.
Introduction to NLP and Neurological Re-patterning. Learn how to make life happen for you!

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Phoenix Life coaching and neurological repatterning
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