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Free - Ultimate love and Relationships workshop.

Photo of Vegas meetup Joshua Roy
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Vegas meetup Joshua R.
Free - Ultimate love and Relationships workshop.


Are you feeling lonely and disconnected? Are you looking for pleasure in food, sport, work, and other interests to compensate for the lack of love in your life? Is your relationship lifeless or stale?

Let's face it, nothing is better than a relationship filled with love and Passion.

Do you want to revive your relationship, but don't know how? Do you want to attract the right person into your life? Do you want to create a relationship filled with love and passion? Do you want to feel close, connected, and loved? Do you want to heal past hurts?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, I want you to know that we all struggle at times with love. Having gone through a divorce, I know firsthand that rejection hurts. I also know that couples face many ongoing challenges. When it comes to attraction, emotional intelligence, friendship, sex, money, and children, addiction, relationships can become complicated.

More than half of relationships fail. Domestic violence is a real consideration, and more people today are afraid of starting a new relationship than ever before in history.

When you fall in love, your brain dispenses chemicals into your body, and those chemicals produce strong positive emotions. In other words, YOU FEEL GOOD because those chemicals you produced in YOUR brain, made you feel good.

The initial dose of chemicals lasts about 2 years. That is long enough for a good fling. We call this initial type of love romantic love.

IF YOU WANT SOMETHING MORE, and you would like to know how to fall in love, and how to remain in love, you will be interested in knowing the formula for long-term relationship success.

In this webinar, we will discuss the 3 components that make up consummate love. You will learn specific steps you can implement into your dating and relationship to build trust, furnish a relationship vision, and keep the fire of passion alive.

One of our human needs is love. Love is not a luxury. Love is a need! Love is as plentiful as oxygen, and is the TRUE oxygen of life. Yet too many of us are suffocating.

How does one survive without connection? Many people turn to addiction, distraction, and avoidance. This can then lead to depression and even despair.....

Good education and training will keep your hope alive. Coaching and mentoring can take that hope and turn it into results.

Successful relationships start with a good selection. Once the relationship is formed, three guiding principles will assist you in building a solid and loving foundation.

Whether you are currently in a relationship or not, Coaching and mentoring will help. It has been said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. Coaching and mentoring will help you focus on those things that matter most. These are tools around healing, attraction principles, love languages, effective communication, trust, vision, honesty, and most importantly, emotional intelligence.

I encourage you to continue to develop yourself. With the right attitude, skill, and effort, you will succeed.

If you are currently single, or in a relationship, there are many tools available to help you heal past hurts and deal with your limiting beliefs. Learn how to build deep rapport or a nervous system level, become more attractive in communication, and create the relationship you deserve and desire.

Open your eyes to the possibilities that exist all around you. Stack the odds in your favor, and enroll your higher self and the universe to conspire for your success.

Sign up now, put it on your calendar, and attend this life-changing event.

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