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What we’re about

The purpose of the group is to create a safe, non judgmental place where women can come together to have fun, but also to have vulnerable, deep conversations without fear of shame or reactivity. We practice mindful conversations with neutral curiosity. Taboo subjects are acceptable to have as long as they can be carried on with respect and consideration. Stay posted for the different conversation pieces, which will be brought to the table. The events will be laid back, authentic, and fun!

Women who should join are those who struggle to feel like they have a voice in their day to day engagements; who struggle to feel seen, heard, or understood. Women who would like to make new friends in general in a place that is free of drama where you can be surrounded by heart centered women of integrity. All women are welcome who are interested in striving to engage authentically and with kindness. Those who can not conduct themselves with kindness and respect will be asked to leave, as the physical and emotional safety of all is of utmost importance. No racism, shaming, or antagonism will be tolerated.

I will be hosting weekly support groups for women and men virtually through my membership group at Right now the Eventbrites I'm posting are free, but I will be charging for those in the future.

I'm trying to get the group back up and running in person after a bit of a hiatus now that the weather is getting better. I'm shooting to have events once a month at least. Please reach out to me and let me know what days and times work best for you; as well as what topics you'd like covered.

If you'd like to reach out and let me know what kind of topics you'd like covered in future events; please contact me through

The events will always be scent free. I am severely allergic to marijuana so please do not smoke before coming to the event or have it on your person. You will not be admitted if you smell like marijuana and there will be no refunds.

Please be courteous. If you have been sick with a head cold or any other type of sickness or have been around those who have in the last two weeks, please do not come to the event. If you have had Covid within the last three weeks or have been around someone who has, please do not come to the event. I'm a medical massage therapist and do my best to stay healthy so I can keep working. No one likes to get massage from someone with the sniffles. ;-)

Upcoming events (1)

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