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The Physics of Climate Change by Lawrence Krauss

Photo of Karen C
Hosted By
Karen C. and David B.
The Physics of Climate Change by Lawrence Krauss


Freethinkers Book Club
The Physics of Climate Change by Lawrence Krauss
Wed, Sep 25, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Host: David Brunco, PhD

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Lawrence Krauss's book "The Physics of Climate Change" is the first (and only) book that I am aware of that is written for non-scientists that explains the science behind climate change instead of simply arguing for or against some kind of action.

In this session, we will be presenting the physics of climate change using Krauss's book as a guide. As with the book, the intent of this event is not to argue for specific policy or actions, but rather to focus on the science that should provide the foundation for such discussion.
You are encouraged to read (or at least peruse) the book, but this is certainly not a requirement for participating.

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