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CAMPFIRE COOKOUT and TRIC Friday Night City Sights - ADV Beginners Skate

Photo of Gene
Hosted By
Gene and 3 others
CAMPFIRE COOKOUT and TRIC Friday Night City Sights - ADV Beginners Skate


Please join us on Friday, September 20th, for the ADVANCED Beginners Skate & CAMPFIRE COOKOUT Party!


A very popular event, it’s a skate around the city and a campfire style cookout under the city lights! We will meet at the Eliza Furnace Trail parking lot at the Greenfield end. See map pin for detailed directions.

The skate time is 6:00 pm, the CAMPFIRE COOKOUT PARTY begins at approximately 8:00 pm.

This is an Advanced Beginner skate. It will be a relaxed, but steady pace. Urban skate. 8 to 10 miles, and an hour and a half long similar to our Wednesday skates.

YOU MUST BE ABLE TO BRAKE CONFIDENTLY as we will be skating with traffic!

The route is mostly flat terrain, but some gentler hills and sloped bridge decks and ramps WILL be encountered. You must be able to maneuver in pedestrian and vehicular traffic, negotiate curbs, potholes, gravel, speed bumps and other urban amenities. This will be a patrolled skate, so skate patrol members will be organizing the pack and controlling traffic to make sure we’re being as safe as possible.

It is suggested that you wear light colored clothes, carry a flashlight, or wear blinkies, or reflective items. Part of the skate will be completed as darkness is approaching.

Not at up to par in skill level, yet? Newer skaters and beginners are welcomed and encouraged to attend the party! This is a good opportunity to meet other skaters, talk skate, and trade gear. As a skating alternative, bicycles are welcomed with us on the skate as a good way to see what it’s all about! Beginner skaters can also practice skating the flat Jail Trail that starts at the parking lot while the group is out and we’ll all meet up after!

For the cookout, TRIC will provide "meat dogs," buns, and condiments. Feel free to bring your own fancy hot dog stick! (We have a few). Bring any snack or any other "cookout" type food, salad, dessert, chips, dip, or beverage you’d like to share. Feel welcome to bring alternative hotdogs to suit your dietary requirements if "meat dogs" aren't your thing...

Be ready to roll by 6:00 PM. Get there a little early to gear up and get ready to skate!

Come out and be part of the fun!

NOTE: All skates are weather permitting. If it is dry we should be skating.

Photo of Skate Pittsburgh - Three Rivers Inline Club (TRIC) group
Skate Pittsburgh - Three Rivers Inline Club (TRIC)
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