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What we’re about

Are you interested in studying the Bible? Let’s read it together and share in the discovery!

The purpose of this group is not to explore the teachings of any certain church or denomination, but simply to open up our Bibles and explore the teachings of God's word itself. As we read it together and discuss what it says, we can come to a better understanding of who God is and what He desires for our lives. Our goal in each study is to approach the Scriptures with a fresh perspective, letting God speak for Himself. Our discussion will not focus simply on what the Word means to you or what it means to me, but what it meant to God when He said it.

We will explore a variety of different topics and texts throughout the Bible. Some studies may focus on foundational matters such as the existence of God, the plan of salvation, or the church we see in the New Testament. In other studies we may dig into the wisdom literature or prophets of the Old Testament, the thesis of Hebrews, or the apocalyptic literature of Revelation. Let us know what studies you would find most helpful in your walk with the Lord! We are all fellow-students seeking to encourage and build up one another through a study of God’s word.

Come with an open heart and any questions you might have about God and His word. We hope to see you at a study soon!

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