Meet other local people who use Extreme Programming (XP) for software development. Gather and discuss this deliberate and disciplined approach to software development.
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grupyPowiązane tematy:
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10 501 agilistas | Madrid,Organizowane przez João Barreiro
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Lafia Atlassian Community Events
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Początek: 1 sty w Lafia, NG
BrowserStack QA Meetup Group Kansas City
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Początek: 1 sty w Kansas City, us
BrowserStack QA Meetup Group Birmingham
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Początek: 1 sty w Birmingham, gb
Moderne Führung
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Początek: 1 sty w Hamburg, de
CAS Mastering Agile on all Levels Infos and Austausche
13 Members
Początek: 1 sty w Zürich, ch