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Bay Area Permaculture Guild Monthly Potluck/Gathering! :)

Photo of Ajay Tallam
Hosted By
Ajay T. and Phil .


(Note, so this is a generic recurring event, check our Linktree to find specific details on this month's meetup! Notably the description :)

Monthly Bay Area Permaculture Guild Potlucks / Meetups!
Come join us for our monthly potluck and meetup at PLACE - Community Center, Makerspace & Permaculture Site! It's a great opportunity to connect with fellow permaculture enthusiasts, share delicious food, and learn from each other. Whether you're a seasoned permaculturist or just starting out, everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Don't forget to bring a dish to share and your own reusable utensils. Let's gather, eat, and grow together!

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
own your safety. Never any restrictions on attendance, though the space is raising donations for wheelchair accessibility among other survival-required upgrades. Eat, greet and be merry, and donate if you can!
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of PLACE - Community Center, Makerspace & Permaculture Site group
PLACE - Community Center, Makerspace & Permaculture Site
See more events

Every 2nd Monday of the month until December 31, 2029

Place For Sustainable Living
1121 64th St · Oakland, CA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location