Our next discussion is about What's Next Is Now: How to Live Future Ready by Dr. Frederik Pferdt.
This is a book that aims to empower readers to shape their own future and transform challenges into opportunities. The book, set to be released on June 18, 2024, introduces the concept of a "future-ready mindstate" and provides practical guidance on developing it.
The core of Pferdt's philosophy revolves around six key dimensions:
- Radical Optimism: Focusing on possibilities rather than problems.
- Unreserved Openness: Embracing change and the unknown.
- Compulsive Curiosity: Exploring and understanding new ideas.
- Perpetual Experimentation: Turning fear of failure into a learning opportunity.
- Expansive Empathy: Considering different perspectives and making purposeful choices.
- Dimension X: Leveraging one's unique perspective or "superpower."
The book offers inspirational content and actionable advice, including exercises, illustrations, and real-world practices. It draws on Pferdt's experience as Google's first Chief Innovation Evangelist and includes insights from individuals who have successfully adopted a future-ready mindstate.
Pferdt argues that instead of passively waiting for the future to unfold, readers can actively create their desired future through their daily choices and perspectives.
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Future Discussions:
June 5: The Anthropocene Reviewed, John Green (304 pages)
August 7: Welcome to Your World: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives, Sarah Williams Goldhagen (384 pages).
October 2: An Immense World, Ed Young (480 pages)
December 4: Why Cities Look the Way They Do, Richard Williams (192 pages)