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What we’re about

Hi there! 🎨 I am Riccardo🃏 Artist | Clown | Creative Explorer, combining visual arts with the playful spontaneity of clowning.

My passion lies in reconnecting people with their innate creativity and encouraging everyone to embrace the joy of artistic expression—imperfections and all.

About the Group:

I created The Inner Clown to bring together like-minded folks who are curious, open, and ready to explore how embracing our inner clown can help us live more authentically and joyfully. Through fun and creative activities like clowning, improv, and other playful exercises, we’ll dive deep into what it means to live with lightness and vulnerability.

Whether you’re looking to break out of your shell, laugh more, or just see life from a different perspective, you’ll fit right in. No experience is needed—just bring your sense of humor and a willingness to explore.

🌍 Currently based in Lisbon | 🇮🇹 Born in Rome
🎭 Co-Founder of Candies & Catharsis Collective

Come join me, and let’s discover how a little bit of silliness can lead to some pretty profound growth. Follow my journey of colorful inquiry and creative discovery!

Upcoming events (1)

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