Thursday’s Social Ride

Hosted By
Don L.

The ride this week will be through the local vineyards, including the Tuscan Hills, Wente and Concannon. We won’t be stopping at them though. That will be at the Livermore Library. There will be a no-host lunch following the ride for anyone who wishes to join us.
Ride "sweep" will facilitate keeping all on course. Ride will re-group as necessary. Cycling etiquette essential. Pleasanton Senior Center and Livermore Library open - bathrooms & water available.
Attendees are limited to 30 who have signed for the ride in advance. Please be sure to bring your helmet, water and a spare tube. No SAG cars provided.

Pleasanton Pedalers
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Every week on Thursday
Pleasanton Senior Center
5353 Sunol Blvd · Pleasanton, CA
Thursday’s Social Ride