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What we’re about

Welcome! (日本語下記)

This is a group to learn about "Castells", a traditional Catalan practice recognized by UNESCO that consists on building the tallest human structures possible using nothing but our bodies. Human towers require a diverse group of people: from kids to adults, men and women alike. If you are curious and want to learn more about "Human Towers", join our next workshop session! And if you just want to watch, you are also welcome to come :)

Our sessions are open to beginners! We will teach you the basics of "Castells": how to climb people, how to walk a row of people, how to structure a Human Tower, the different roles inside the structure, etc.

This group is open to everyone, regardless of age, gender, origin or language. Let's go up and touch the sky!

Note: this is a physical activity. If you have any physical pain or mobility difficulties, you are welcome to come of course, but we would appreciate it if you could contact us in advance.



私たちは「人間の塔 (Castells)」について学ぶためのグループです。人間の塔とは、身体だけで可能な限り高い塔を作る、UNESCOの世界無形文化遺産として登録されているスペイン・カタルーニャの伝統文化です。人間の塔を建てるには、子供から大人まで、男性も女性も含む多様な人々でつくられるグループが必要です。「人間の塔」についてもっと知りたい方は、次回のワークショップセッションにぜひご参加ください!見学だけでも大歓迎です :)




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