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What we’re about

As of Friday, August 9th - this new group was not intended to be published, announced, or viewable by others yet.

I'm still in the very early stages of planning but check back soon.

Will be offering all aspects of writing services (original content creating, editing, proofreading, revising others' content); will also offer marketing, event management, and help with website development, etc.

Prices will begin at $15/ hour and will go up from there. Will depend on the individuals' specific needs, the state their content is currently in, and how much effort will be required on my end.

Request for New Group Members:

-Kindly send me a quick DM via this group and let me know what type of writing-related services you might be in need of or would be interested in learning more about.

This would help to inform what types of online events would be selected - the ones that would benefit / be of interest to the greatest number of group members.

If you happen to have a writing-related assignment of any kind that you're in need of help with right now, please email me at [email protected]

-Please provide a description of the help you'd be in need of and include an attachment of this assignment, if you have it.

-I would then review and get back to you with any questions, in addition to the amount I would be charging per hour to provide these services.

Outline the Process here:

Writing- Related Services Provided/ Offered by Me Could Include Any / All of the Following:

Facebook Ads
Social Media Posts
Editing and Proofreading
Sales and Landing Pages
Guest Posting or Ghostwriting
Email Outreach
Product Descriptions
Resumes and Cover Letters
Slides and Presentations
Online Course Content
Blogs and Blog Articles
Press Releases
Technical Writing
Website Content
Business Writing/ Industry-Focused Writing
Content Creating
Content Revision
Fiction Writing
News/ Journalistic Writing
Copy Writing and Copy Editing
Sales and ad writing
Press releases


-Services will be performed by me 100 percent remotely, which means any one nationwide (or beyond) who is in need of these kind of services will be able to get them

More about my professional writing abilities and past experiences, in addition to my educational achievements too.

A Quick Note about My Experience as a Meetup Organizer:

I am the Organizer of another San Diego Meetup group that is targeted towards a more specific subset of the local, non-heterosexual women’s population.  I have been creating content, and organizing/managing large, successful, regular events for non-hetero women in San Diego for the past two years.

Here’s the link to my other group in case you’re interested and not yet familiar:

I am a 45-year-old professional who moved to San Diego in May 2020 - so right after COVID hit - after having spent 16 years in DC.

Links to Meetup Groups to access my original content creating, writing, editing abilities, etc - event management and marketing; promoting to and attracting large number of group members for all very successful events

Once group membership has grown, considering offering regular (biweekly or monthly) online/fully remote events for a $10-$15/per person to attend. Would cover all specific areas of expertise. Limit to one hour - first part would be explain my expertise/process for each topic and then leaving the remainder of the time for Q&A

Upcoming events

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