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What we’re about

We came out of the left wing of the Bernie movement that emerged from the 2016 Sanders campaign.  We support building a grassroots Movement to organize a political revolution to take our country back from the billionaires and the multi-national corporations that dominate both political parties.   As Bernie Sanders says, change comes from the bottom up, not the top down.  #NotMeUs! We organized a loud, colorful and spirited march on May 14, 2016 through downtown San Diego.  We also put together a Beyond Bernie Conference  in San Diego  in the summer of 2016 in which  approximately 150  people attended. Many of us were Bernie or Bust and many of us Dem-exited and joined or got re-involved in the Green Party/the Jill Stein campaign after the primary.   In the wake of Trumpism, this group is continuing to organize. Many of us are involved in the formation of the San Diego Progressive Alliance that seeks to run candidates that receive no corporate money and are committed to putting people before profits.   We are now the official meetup of the San Diego Progressive Alliance.   In addition, we are also a place to learn about and get involved in progressive activism in San Diego. We welcome ideas about how to continue to build a united progressive movement in San Diego.