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What we’re about

The Dangers of Project2025
Straight from their website:
• "This book is an invitation for you the reader—Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Smith—to come to Washington or support those who can. Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State. "
Be smart people, this means one thing, and you know it! Win or don't win the election, the above is what they intend to do.
Why would any duly elected official need a Presidential Transition Plan? They have this already. Call me a stupid liberal if you want, but this smells of something very similar that happened in 1933 in Germany. This is serious folks!
Per Project2025, "We will start a new American Revolution. It will be bloodless if the left does not resist". Guess what, I'm resisting and we need you to as well.
Group Rules:

  1. If you are an agitator, do not join. If you have opposing views, but still support the cause, that is okay. Nobody is right alone, especially me, but together we find common ground.
  2. We do not promote or support violence. We are not militants, however, we will fight fire with fire (metaphorically speaking only), because the other side does not always play fairly.
  3. We believe in the truth, but not conspiracy theories, and not "alternative" facts. We strive to find evidentially supported truth. Opinions we may have, that's politics, but we do not force opinions on others and we welcome opposing views, as long as its towards a common goal of the group.
  4. No racism, no homophobia, no misogyny, no religious persecution of any religion. Those are not acceptable, period. And no, LBGTQ is not considered a religious persecution in our crowd.