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What we’re about

Started in 2012 as 5 mates trying to help each others projects succeed, Property Developer Network (PDN) is now the largest national networking group for up and coming Property Developers running networking events in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane & Adelaide to assist you on your Property Development journey.

PDN also run online support groups, Facebook communities, formal education & mentoring programs, have access to massive discounts from a ton of suppliers & much much more.

The intent of these Meetup events is to bring together the collective experience, thoughts and ideas of like minded individuals to assist each other to achieving our goals in Property Development. Our unique format caters from absolute novices to full time professionals with something to cater for every level of experience.

We have built quite a reputation in helping to kick start peoples Property Development careers, or lift the trajectory for those already on their way. Having seen a number of our members leave their day jobs to transition to full time Property Development, and a hell of a lot more that are well on their way. Having said that, the group is not just for beginners, we have a number of long time developers in the group at the bigger end of town also with everyone able to gain from the collective experience of the group.

Our meetings typically consist 3 distinct sections, an Industry Expert, a Real Deal & finally a Masterminding process.

Our Industry Experts are people that you will need in your property development team, with them giving guidance and advise on the relevant topic of the month. In the past we have had Town Planners, Civil Engineers, Property Lawyers, Accountants, Architects, University Lecturers, Project Managers, Experienced Developers, Property Managers, Financial Planners, Valuers, Council, Surveyors, Commercial Lenders & more. These experts love helping those with a thirst for knowledge and an attitude to succeed and we have been blessed with the quality of these speakers who keep lining up wanting to present at our group.

The Real Deals allow you to learn from projects that others have done within our group. Learn from their experience, successes and mistakes before you do it yourself. You get to see warts and all what went right, what went wrong and the profit that was able to be achieved out to the deal. There is nothing better than seeing the real thing to know that you can do the same for yourself.

We finish with a Mastermind process, with each person able to seek assistance from the collective knowledge of the group in how to overcome any current obstacles. Sometimes your problem might be as simple as not knowing where to start, or how to learn the development process, whilst other times it might be as complex as a specific problem that you are having withing your current deal. Either way, the group is here to help, with all of us moving forward as a result.

OH - And we always kick on socially after the event for a few beverages so please make sure you have plenty of time to hang around and mingle with your peers.

Welcome aboard, and I hope you enjoy the ride.

Rob Flux