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Himalayan Tantra Men's Healing Tribe

Himalayan Tantra Men's Healing Tribe

1 país1 grupo82 membros

Experience the healing and transformative power of Tantra!

The Himalayan Tantra Men’s Healing Tribe is a network of men interested in exploring erotic energy, understanding the spiritual dimensions of their sexuality, and sharing connection with others.

Madison, WI Group
Himalayan Tantra Men's Healing Tribe

Himalayan Tantra Men's Healing Tribe


Quem nós somos

We explore integrating Spirituality and Sexuality using the Seven Principles of Tantra as taught in our tradition:
Everything is an Experiment
As Within, So Without
Tapas and Spanda
Multiple Realities
Inner Marriage
Ascending and Descending Energies
The Healing Power of Pleasure

We host daytime, evening, day-long and extended weekend gatherings to delve into these topics and share conviviality.
Currently, this network has one location, based in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

We are affiliated with Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery & Healing Center, in Black Mountain NC, the home of Pǎo's Teacher, Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati.
Explore more information about Tantra and our ancient tradition @:
Dancing Shiva Tantra Monastery & Healing Center

Foto de Pǎo Shan
Pǎo Shan

Himalayan Tantra Men's Healing Tribe Administrador

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