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What we’re about

From books to beaches, hikes to art galleries, we'll check out everything worth seeing in Halifax - and Nova Scotia - and better understand the people around us. This is a laid back group open to new experiences - if you want to host an event, let me know!

Attendance Policy
Be nice - show up. Members will be charged $5 to attend future events if they cancel late or don't show up at all. This ensures people on the waitlist have a chance to join in, makes organizing easier, and won't leave me hanging when everyone drops out at the last minute - rare, but it happens. Excuses will be taken on a case by case basis. The proceeds will be used to cover the group's $500 per year Meetup subscription fee.

For evening events, late cancellation is anything after 11:00am the day of the event.

For afternoon and morning events, late cancellation starts after 3:00pm the day before.

Upcoming events (2)

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